Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 6 Report

1350 - The launch has started.

1435 - A stratus deck moved in from the south, delaying the launch to 1350. As happened yesterday, the beautiful cumulus field to the north stayed just out of reach. The conditions are very weak, with low cloudbases. After collecting everyone in the Start Circle, we changed both Tasks to the bare minima:

1545 - Both Tasks are open.

1625 - At least fifteen have left, with start times ranging from 1546 to 1620.

1804 - The last finisher crossed the line a few minutes before 6pm. There were several rolling finishes. Nobody landed out, and it appears we have a valid contest day in both classes. Dick Butler (67 mph) and Chip Garner (65 mph) seem to be the winners.

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